As you know, Kutaisi City Municipality is planning to rehabilitate the city's central boulevard. The design works were carried out in accordance with the NAT180012470 e-tender conducted by the Center for ltd ,,Legal Analysis and Expertise.''
Given the importance of the rehabilitation facility, our goal is to maximize community involvement in selecting the design elements of the central boulevard (e.g., fountain, footpath tile, stool).
In front of you are presented the renderings of the boulevard project and alternative variants of the components of the boulevard. The function of selecting the desired elements (eg fountain, footpath tile, stool) is used to vote.
The item with the highest score will be reflected in the final version of the boulevard project, on the basis of which the procurement of rehabilitation works will be announced.
Please be actively involved in the review and voting process, which will start today and continue until the end of March this year.
To vote go to the following link: