Marekhi Nizharadze - Member of the City Council


Marekhi Nizharadze - Member of the City Council

Marekhi Nizharadze - Majoritarian MP in Sapichkhia constituency, Chairman of the Sakrebulo faction "Georgian Dream"
Date of birth: 08.05.1961
place of birth
Marital status: wife and one child
• Kutaisi N. Muskhelishvili Polytechnic Institute. Faculty of Mechanics and Technology.
• Qualification: - Mechanical Engineer.

 work experience:
Kutaisi "Automechanical Factory" Ltd - Labor Wage Normalization Engineer
• Member of MPG "Georgian Dream - Democratic Georgia" party since 2012
• From 2013 to present, the zone coordinator of the Georgian Dream-Democratic Georgia party in Sapichkhia administrative unit.
• From 2015 to October 2017, the representative of the Mayor of Kutaisi Municipality in Sapichkhia administrative unit.
Since 2017 - Member of Kutaisi Municipality Sakrebulo, Majoritarian MP of Sapichkhia District.

  • Address
  • Kutaisi, Rustaveli №3
  • Email us
  • Working hours
  • Mon-Fri:10:00 - 18:00