"Davitoba" is celebrated in Kutaisi. Several events were held in the city on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance of David Agmashenebeli, organized by Kutaisi...
In connection with the International Book Reading Day, a literary performance was held at Akaki Tsereteli University. The members of the studio "Mar...
Kutaisi City Hall is implementing several social projects at the same time, including one of the most important is the program to support people with disabil...
Within the framework of the project, large families will be selected and trained, who will then receive technical assistance in the form of a grant to streng...
დღეს ქუთაისში კიდევ ერთ აგრარულ ბაზარს მიეცა მუშაობის განახლების უფლება. ნინოშვილის ქუჩაზე მდებარე ღია ტიპის აგრარული ბაზრობის გახსნის პროცესს იმერეთის სახელ...